Shrimp Farming

We choose to identify with the people of A’Ibom State in shrimps and fish multiplication through aquatic culture. Ponding and habitat technology are two strategic methodologies calling for synergy with the State Government. Infrastructure development is fundamental; and we believe the Government would provide mudflats, electricity, portable water and access roads as the means of enabling environment to induce our investors. While we have been assured of Federal Government policy support which remains favourable to agriculture as well as aquaculture, vis a vis the loan scheme and export generation, thus creating investors’ friendly environment, Government participation by way of Public Private Partnership [PPP] is expected  if it so requires. This is an option if the state managers wish to participate in profit sharing. To do so shall translate to equity contribution either in the short run or in the long run. However, our operating vehicle remains a Cooperative Society duly incorporated and funded by members to enable us embrace the interests of the local population as well as the funding agencies.


We have examined the works of two countries on shrimps farming. There is the study published by a Missouri University, US. We also had access to the Thailand experience which is very detailed and educating. In view of the climatic conditions in the latter, we want to rely more upon the Thai technology because research and development will be far more economical and less weird than the US source. The data on this proposal is, therefore, Thailand based.


The ponds shall be constructed on swamp lands mudflats situate close to salt water or seawater. Shrimps survival is guaranteed more in salt water than fresh water. Consequently, we have chosen Okoroete beach swamps to reclaim and control the ingress and the exit of water under acceptable temperature. Secondly, the Gulf of Guinea has thriving mangrove forests. Mangrove trees being a friendly vegetation for shrimps and some other types of aquatic lives, Okoroete provides the best environment for the venture until we can explore how to explore the ways and means of adaptation. However, 2000 acres of seashore embankment shall provide the ponds we need to kick-start a commercial production of about 50,000 tons per year. Actually, 2000 acres make 4000 ponds.


A single pond should be the size of half an acre of reclaimed land which produces 20 tons of shrimps per year. The study proves that 10,000,000 shrimps of standard size contain in a pond. They are harvested every 4 months – three times in one calendar year.


Water is under proper temperature control and is treated once every 90 days to check pollution and toxic substances. Security is built around the sites to prevent theft.


Chloride and solids that are proteins and (compactible) are usual daily feed. They feed on their remains as well – dressed wastes.


Mangrove trees grow easy in swamps. There will be a conscious effort to plant the trees and simulate the natural habitats of the shrimps.


Shrimps culturing and harvest for export purposes are labour intensive. It takes a worker one hour to process 24 kilogram of shrimps. In 1 day of 10 hours, he will process 240kg only. 10 workers will dress 2400kg (2.4 tons) per day. If we run 4000 ponds of 80,000 tons, 6667 tons per month shall be processed. 1400 workers can process 240kg per day, and that would handle the project export processing. Other sections of the industry will generate about 600 jobs to support the program. Thereafter, there is the indirect impact on the neighbourhood in terms of satellite businesses.


Income from shrimps culturing is probably of greater value to our economy than the number of jobs to be created. For example, 50,000 tons shrimps seafood will earn a minimum of $9000 per ton yearly. That means $450,000,000. If this is replicated in 20 locations in Nigeria, $9bn inflow in foreign exchange from shrimps alone would have made seafood the second largest export market.
25000 shrimp farms
550000 tons produced per year (@$9000) per ton
24kg/hr per worker to process. Meaning 11,936 workers to process 550,000 tons
1,200 workers for technical/admin
300000 eggs produced by one mother/y
500000 consumed by USA per year
Water is tested every 90 days to check pollution.
The sweet types/species in Thailand are imported from Hawai
Pond is 38 times the size of a swimming pool.
2000m2 (half acre) = 1 pond @ $246,000.
1 pond contains 10,000,000 shrimps
Aquatic shrimps contribute 2.4m tons yearly to world shrimp production
Weekly general production of 3.6m tons globally.

Estimate of infrastructure = $6,150,000,000
Estimate of yearly sales of 550,000 @ $9000 = $4,950,000,000
Salaries and overhead = $150,000,000
Break-even 18 months
Direct jobs = 130,000/year
25,000 ponds of 1 acre size each.
50,000 ponds to produce 1,100,000 tons*
In forex earning – ranking second to oil.

* Nigeria should aim at $12b income and 250,000 direct and indirect jobs


We have a vision how fishes in the ocean can be cultured to be sensitive to signals and respond to the technology of controlled feeding aimed at improving productive capacity and catch output; and to be replicated around the Nigerian territorial waters. The advantage for Akwa Ibom State is its rare privilege of sponsoring the initiative and creating the bay as the novelty and first of its kind (venture) in West Africa.

What comes to mind is the setting up of a laboratory to develop the technology locally and run sundry tests within our territorial and continental waters. When the idea fully develops, the population of fishes within the area will be on the increase and will boost the quality and quantum of seafood around our coastal waters. The initiative is code-named The is a registered proprietary right.

Procedure is as follows

  1. Assemble protein giving food that can boost and accelerate maturity.
  2. Monitoring of activity within the dumps
  3. Introducing siren based sounds to draw attention of fishes to feed dumps
  4. Infrared chips configured to sea beds and remotely controlled
  5. Selectivity of catch to guarantee continuation
  6. Refrigeration and preservation equipment.
  7. Coastline office apartment
  8. Four wheel drive vehicle.

The objective is to increase the fish population base to 1 billion fingerlings per annum through controlled and concentrated feeding. We shall attempt to exploit an average 500,000 tons for seafood market yearly. Success story is the earning of over $1bn per annum. The ‘’ will provide employment for 150,000 Nigerians