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Governor Umo Bassey Eno promised the Akwa Ibom State electorate, among other goodies, to establish what he called Happy Hour moments. This is a lifestyle that would explain and summarize the contentment that the ruled should enjoy from their relationship with the authority (government) and capable of making the State a tourism destination in the country.

Akwa Ibom people are naturally hospitable and peaceful. The State shall however hold out as a haven of choice in terms of the package of amenities, not easily available elsewhere. We propose that free health care and death benefit insurance policy funded by the authorities/government should be adopted as win win project for and by the Government. What will invite Nigerians to the State for Permanent Residence and tourism must include medical services and health care supported by 100% compliance as well as death benefits and the pecuniary provision for deceased estates: an extraordinary facility to give Akwa Ibom State and people the edge in society comfort in Nigeria. The Best place to live.
Health insurance has been made compulsory by law in Nigeria; but it’s not free. Our cooperative society is pursuing a program for affordable insurance coverage through membership. The arrays of benefit as lined up below ⬇️ will cost members a minimum of #20k each:
1. Death benefit of #500k. It means deceased members will authorize funds for their next-of-kin to handle basic interment activities. The sum assured can be pushed upwards discretionary
2. This program has provided for permanent and partial disability
3. We are aware burials have been delayed due to avoidable lack of funds.
4. As a corollary of cost of handling burials, morgues business has been established in communities as fast business venture, even though it’s not ethical and and unprotected
5. Health insurance for groups of contributors is more affordable than for individual packaging. We seem to have lower cost when the whole taxpayer population in the State is covered.
6. Taxpayers approach is the qualification needed. Basic #5k is allowed
7. The number of villages in Akwa Ibom State is 2,272. We propose 150 per village on cover to create impact. Technology is being introduced to capture everyone
8. NHIA has agreed to supervise the administration and proper delivery
9. The hospitals and clinics in the state will benefit from the claims of the bills payable by the NHIA. The effect of the program on the economy in the State is very sustainable especially with third world economic environments. Third world average lifespan is short, and therefore generates more claims from the insurance schemes.
10. Our assumptions, actuarially, will draw indices from the program where approximately #30b per year against yearly premium of #8.5b will manifest. It’s going to generate a net invisible income of #21.5b yearly for Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria
11. The argument concerning break even and the viability of Happy Hour to make it bankable is supported by the margin of contribution from NHIA for the funding in deference to clients’ contributions. However clients’ contributions are covered by subsidy, yet very sufficient to cushion the risk.
12. Despite the paltry contributions from the clients, the community dwellers aren’t enjoying the program, which is why Happy Hour should intervene in helping out the community.
13. As indicated in 10 above ⬆️, the health care facilities shall be enabled to generate more income to government coffers in order to offset whatever cost is incurred by government to support Happy Hour. This means that program will be self funded.
14. It’s our valid belief that Happy Hour is not just a concept but a phenomenal lifestyle to pull people to the State and promote tourism
15. The program has been exhaustively discussed with commercial banks , and they indicated interest in financing.

What does the government gain from Health insurance?
1. More hospital attendance for treatment
2. Bills are settled in time
3. Humane treatment considerations reduce cash flow of the hospitals
4. Without health insurance policy the patient can’t draw from HMO to pay his economic bills
5. HMO is supported by NHIA which is FGN and WHO backed
6. Without insurance, the patient can’t take hospital bills
7. Without insurance, it’s garbage in garbage out
8. With enabling support for the patient (garbage), he is privileged to take the bills and the hospital ???? is pleased as the IGR has become better. The privilege granted by HMO (insured status) has given him more access to buy the hospital services
9. If the operator of hospitals can contribute to the patient’s privilege to buy insurance, the operator will earn more money courtesy HMO
10. Note HMO is not State Government venture – see 5 above ⬆️
11. This explains why the State government is making pecuniary gain from the transaction
12. Political gains will flow from the enhanced privilege which the masses will notice and appreciate
13. Actuals: 100 members = 10patients. 1000 members = 100patients. 10,000 members = 1000patients. 100,000 members = 10,000patients. 1,000,000 members = 100,000patients. Max probable cases for Akwa Ibom State = 35,000 patients @ #200k per patient per year. HMO actual = #7,000,000,000; Death claims on 17,500 cases @ #500k per claim per year = #8,750,000,000. Sum total of claims =#15,500,000,000 (#15.5b). Contributions #25k x 340,800 =#8,520,000,000. Tax receipts @ #7.5k =#2,556,000,000
14. 13 above ⬆️ are the actuals from actuarial perspective. Definitely the operators of health care are losing significant revenue for operating without insurance
15. Summary is while government support for the program will cost #8.52b, the economy will receive #18.056b: Health bills #7b, Compassionate #8.75b, tax #2.556b
16. As a people residing in the State life expectancy will always be above average and the peace environment will be maintained and sustainable. The government will be popular
17. This is a pilot project beginning with Akwa Ibom State. It’s our belief that there are millions in the State who wouldn’t be covered by this government initiative, and who’ll involuntarily join the program when everyone appreciates the performance of the program

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