Investment opportunity in Akwa Ibom State

Investment opportunity in Akwa Ibom State

Category : Uncategorized

Investment opportunity in Akwa Ibom State
In the past 7 years, I have diligently worked on hidden opportunities in Akwa Ibom State, being a state that my business group has exploited and established visible milestones such as
1. 5 Star hotel & golf
2. Initiate International Airport
3. Development of infrastructure on the Shelter Afrique Estate
4. Raising bridging funds for State needs
5. The concept and initiative of the Ibom Deep Seaport and City
My current challenge is to complete the acquisition of Ibom Valley City 922.889 hectares of land and the healthcare need for the people of Akwa Ibom State via an insurance and humanitarian support scheme. A scheme that will give teeth to the Governor’s campaign promise to establish Happy Hours lifestyle for the people.
• Ibom Valley City has been acquired, published and about to complete community compensation. Anieno Associates LLC Houston is working on Diaspora Estate ???? with mortgage backed instrument. The project is targeting a 3 months time frame for launch. $50m to cover the land, infrastructure and housing units is in the package.
• The healthcare cum Happy Hours evolution has been embraced by healthcare insurance fully extended to cater for the estate of taxpayers irrespective of gender – over 18 years of age. Apart from taking up hospital bills as agreed, every family shall be assured of cover; and where anyone taxpayers is deceased, the estate will claim not less than #500k for burial expenses recoupment. It’s being administered by Humanitarian Pact alliance (non profit) – floated by Kingsberg & Kingsday Limited 3 Ribadu Road, Ikoyi
My group shall welcome other investors who will have the right to land ownership for own purpose

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